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Drop of leaflets

From the exhibition Fundamentalisms of the new order, Charlottenborg exhibition building, 2002.


Leaflets, plane.


From the exhibition

Plan for drop of leaflets. Charlottenborg exhibition building 2002.


Whiteboard, leaflets, paper, marker, magnets.


The last time a drop of leaflets vas done in Denmark, it happen at the end of World War II.

In 2001 USA dropped leaflets, bombs and emergency rations over Afghanistan.


Review by Jan Verwoert FRIEZE Issue nr. 74, April 2003


" If the basic message of the show could be understood as a plea for liberal open-mindedness in the face of the right-wing backlash in Denmark, this was probably best summed up by Hilde Rognskog’s (unrealized) project Drop (2002). The artist proposed to have leaftlets with the caption ‘Ambivalens er en Dyd!’ (Ambivalence is a virtue) dropped by plane over Copenhagen. "

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