My work focuses on the issue of power and my own personal experiences of being able to use power, or situations where I perceive that power is being exerted. These studies concern power within different areas and situations, such as the body, work, identity, media or technology. A leitmotif in my installations is an ambivalence concerning the situations I experience and describe. Therefore, my installations are not expressions of a correct point of view or a given answer, but are rather situations and information set up in contrast to each other.
During recent years, I have especially been interested in looking into power in relation to globalization and industry, and in this study, my intention is to reveal the systems within the systems as experienced in day-to-day domestic and working life.
"My sketches, drawings, sculptures and installations are thoughts actions. Some speak for themselves, some must be explained, much can be defended"
Foredrag "Now you see, now you dont" Seminar Skapende kuratorpraksis, KHiB 2007
”I sit kunstneriske arbejde har Rognskog beskäftiget sig med komplekse, inter-disciplinäre strategier, der har väret med til at udvikle nutidskunstens formsprog väk fra etablerede praksisser og hen imod nye forstaaelses-former og diskurser. Saaledes har Rognskog udforsket repräsentationsformer som er centrale i samfunds-produktionen (f.eks. management-retorik og realpolitiske diskurser), og har derigennem paavist de mange former som billedkunsten interagerer med det sociale rum.”
Lars Bang Larsen, Curator og kunstkritiker, København Universitet.